Home Investments Investments / Ngā whakangao Latest returns A range of data to help you monitor investment performance, including the latest unit prices, percentage returns based on the change in unit prices and a comparison of returns against KiwiSaver schemes. Investment options You can choose one (or more) of five investment options, each with a different mix of investments, or Super Steps where the investment mix changes automatically based on your age. Economic outlook 2025 France’s Alpe d’Huez is famous for its challenging climb and technically demanding descent, mirroring the current situation faced by central banks after aggressive interest rate hikes in 2022 and 2023. Responsible investment Read our policy on responsible investment and an overview of our investment manager Mercer's approach and philosophy. Investment concepts An explanation of fundamental investment concepts, including the trade-off between risk and return, different types of risk and the benefits of diversification. Investment managers We invest the assets of the scheme in Mercer Investment Trusts New Zealand (MITNZ), which uses the services of specialist investment managers to invest these assets.